Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Emergency Response and Disaster Management
Lead PI:
Shu-Ching Chen

The prevalence of high-speed data management and communication systems have produced countless large volumes of high-veracity, real-time data collections across many domains. For example, natural disasters initiate a myriad of human communications, data exchange, and situational assessments. It is crucial to quickly collect and analyze all of the relevant data, as life or death decisions may rest on the outcome. Hurricane Irma in 2017 caused the largest civil evacuation in Florida’s history and emphasizes two critical problems in emergency management: 1) pre-storm evacuation coordination; and 2) post-storm support for shelter-in-place locations. Disaster information integration and fusion technologies have the potential to deliver enhanced situational awareness tools across all sectors, enabling a more efficient, effective, and automated emergency management and recovery process. However, there is no discernible approach to identify and exploit the underlying patterns of each dataset while also minimizing possible drawbacks. This project aims to utilize multimodal data, such as text messages, images, videos, traffic information, and geo-referencing information, from various sources including social media, news, government announcements, and radio broadcasts. This work will investigate the analysis and fusion of this information to provide useful insights for aiding the decision-making process for both residents and government agencies. The goal is to develop new tools and technologies that can support emergency managers to better evaluate the effectiveness of disaster management policies such as evacuation.

The proposed research provides potential solutions to solve crucial information analysis challenges related to disaster information management while leveraging the team's previous work. In addition, the team's research approach offers rapid key information identification, efficient multimodal data integration that facilitates emergency management, and enhances dynamic community disaster information sharing. Moreover, solutions developed could later be extended to other domains in the information management field. This project fosters collaboration among two institutions, Florida International University (FIU) and University of Tokyo, as well as institutions across the public and private sectors, to develop advanced techniques for effective emergency response and disaster management. The broader impact of this work will lead to scientific advances in the preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation of major disasters. As the largest graduate Hispanic Serving Institution in the continental United States, FIU will also benefit from the impact of this project that expands the participation of underrepresented groups in STEM fields. The research findings of this project will be broadly disseminated via publications, presentations, and an organized workshop.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Shu-Ching Chen
Dr. Shu-Ching Chen is an Associate Director and an Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS), Florida International University (FIU), Miami. He has been a Full Professor since August 2009 in SCIS at FIU. Prior to that, he was an Assistant/Associate Professor in SCIS at FIU from 1999. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1998, and Master's degrees in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering in 1992, 1995, and 1996, respectively, all from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. He is the Director of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory (DMIS) and the Co-Director of the Integrated Computer Augmented Virtual Environment (I-CAVE). His main research interests include data science, multimedia big data, disaster information management, content-based image/video retrieval, and multimedia systems. Dr. Chen has authored and coauthored more than 330 research papers in journals, refereed conference/symposium/workshop proceedings, book chapters, and four books. Dr. Chen has been the PI/Co-PI of many research grants from NSF, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Homeland Security, Army Research Office, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, IBM, and Florida Department of Transportation with a total amount of more than 33 millions. Dr. Chen was named a 2011 recipient of the ACM Distinguished Scientist Award. He received the best paper awards from 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia and 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration. He was awarded the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society's Outstanding Contribution Award in 2005 and was the co-recipient of the IEEE Most Active SMC Technical Committee Award in 2006. He was also awarded the Top Scholar Award from FIU in 2011 and 2012, Inaugural Excellence in Graduate Mentorship Award from FIU in 2006, the University Outstanding Faculty Research Award from FIU in 2004, the Excellence in Mentorship Award from SCIS in 2010, the Outstanding Faculty Service Award from SCIS in 2004 and 2014, the Outstanding Faculty Research Award from SCIS in 2002, 2012, and 2017, and Director's Special Recognition Award from SCIS in 2016. He is a fellow of IEEE, AAAS, and SIRI. He has been a General Chair and Program Chair for more than 60 conferences, symposiums, and workshops. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Multimedia Magazine, founding Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management, and Associate Editor/ Editorial Board of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia and IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems. He served as the Chair of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing. He is Co-Chair of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society's Technical Committee on Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems. Dr. Chen also has been a guest editor for more than ten journal special issues. He was a member of three steering committees (including IEEE Transactions on Multimedia) and several panels for conferences and NSF. He also serves/served as a member of technical program committee for more than 390 professional meetings. Dr. Chen is also the Co-Founder of Bay Area Multimedia Forum.
Performance Period: 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2022
Institution: Florida International University
Award Number: 1952089
Core Areas: International