Coordinated Autonomous Operation of UAVs in Urban First Responder Scenarios
Lead PI:
Christian Poellabauer
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are rapidly gaining in popularity and it is expected that many millions of these devices will be in operation within the next few years. UAVs are increasingly being considered for use in emergency response situations, where they can reduce first responders' exposure to unnecessary danger and enhance the effectiveness of the responders, for example by providing additional information such as unique viewing angles or fast deployment of specialized sensors. It is expected that most UAV operation will occur in cities, which will require the development of infrastructure and tools that enable safe and effective deployments of UAVs in urban settings. This project will support a planning process to identify the specific requirements for safe UAV operation for emergency response scenarios. Toward this end, the project team will collaborate with fire fighters to explore the challenges and benefits of UAV support for various rescue scenarios. Additionally, the project will use these collaborations and various activities and meetings to initiate fruitful discussions among the project team and potential collaborators and stakeholders in academia, industry, and city planning. It is expected that the planning activity will ultimately lead to the development of a proposal to fully implement the infrastructure and tools required for safe UAV for various application scenarios.

Over 80% of the US population reside in urban areas, which means that most UAV operation will occur in densely populated areas that are characterized by potentially dense and fluctuating traffic patterns, close proximity to humans and buildings, unreliable GPS, overhead flight paths, and fluctuating environmental conditions. Enabling independently controlled UAVs with diverse objectives, constraints, and capabilities to operate in such an environment is a challenging proposition. The long-term goal of this project is to develop cross-disciplinary solutions to urban UAV flight, integrating systems design, control theory, and software engineering research to specifically address technical aspects of urban UAV deployment for emergency response situations. The project team will complete a comprehensive needs assessment for the deployment of UAVs in urban emergency response scenarios. A main goal of this planning grant is to identify various stakeholders in the community involved in emergency response (e.g., fire, medical, disaster planning, etc.), their specific needs that can be addressed using UAVs, the opportunities provided by the UAVs, and the specific challenges of urban UAV emergency response support. An additional goal is to obtain deeper insights into the larger societal concerns with UAV operation, including ethics and policy challenges. The project team will organize a series of hands-on training sessions for various rescue operations, which will be used to highlight the potential benefits of UAVs, identify the concrete needs of emergency rescue teams, and elicit discussions among the various stakeholders that will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges of urban UAV deployments.
Christian Poellabauer
Dr. Christian Poellabauer is a Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He received his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004 and worked as Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame from 2004 to 2021. At Notre Dame, he also served as Associate Director of the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society and Founding Director of the Applied Analytics and Emerging Technologies Lab. At FIU, he directs the MOSAIC (Mobile Sensing and Analytics) Lab, which focuses on developing novel personal, social, and crowdsensing solutions in a variety of application domains, primarily in the healthcare field. Notable outcomes of his lab’s research include the development of various solutions using mobile devices, wearables, and virtual assistants for the diagnosis of concussions, the rehabilitation progress of amputees and stroke survivors, the monitoring of the progression of neurological conditions, and the detection of depression in college students and PTSD in first responders. Other areas of interest include wireless/sensor/vehicular networks, the Internet-of-Things, and edge computing based AI solutions, just to name a few. He also has strong interest in assisting with students with startup efforts and he is a strong advocate for the early inclusion of undergraduate and high school students in hands-on research projects. He was named a Fulbright Scholar in 2018 and he has co-authored a textbook on Wireless Sensor Networks, which has been translated into Chinese and Persian. His research efforts have been supported by organizations such as the NIH, NSF (including a 2006 CAREER award), Department of Education, and DoD, and numerous private organizations and businesses such as IBM, Toyota, Ford Research, the National Football League, National Geographic, GE Health, Motorola Labs, among others.
Performance Period: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2019
Institution: University of Notre Dame
Award Number: 1737496